openslp-1.0.9a: description + notes

The OpenSLP project is an effort to develop an open-source implementation of Service Location Protocol (SLP) suitable for commercial and non-commercial application. It currently implements SLP version 1 (defined by RFC 2165) and SLP version 2 (defined by RFC 2608).

"The Service Location Protocol provides a scalable framework for the discovery and selection of network services. Using this protocol, computers using the Internet need little or no static configuration of network services for network based applications. This is especially important as computers become more portable, and users less tolerant or able to fulfill the demands of network system administration." (RFC 2608, Abstract)

OpenSLP currently provides a server for the SLP family of protocols, a simple tty driven client and an API to build SLP compliant applications.

Developers intending to use this distribution for application development should be sure to read the information in FAQ 3.8.

Special thanks to Andrea Suatoni ( for helping port this package to IRIX.
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